Manufacture and supply of Canal Lock Gates throughout the UK, Ireland and Europe
Canal Lock Gates Ltd are currently constructing the new lock gates for the Lagan Gateway Project for Belfast City Council. See more details here
Construction of a new navigation lock adjacent to the River Lagan
Artist impression of the finished project
The river lagan runs from Belfast, Co Antrim into Lough Neagh, Irelands largest body of inland water and the source for most of the rivers in N Ireland.
Canal Lock Gates Ltd was commissioned to install lockgates at lock 3 near Lisburn.
The project on Lock No.3 took place in partnership with the Department of Culture Arts and Leisure (DCAL) now the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) and was delivered through Laganscape.
The Strabane canal is located in Strabane, Co Tyrone, N Ireland, it is a 4 mile canal from the tidal waters of the River Foyle to Strabane.
In 2006 Strabane Lifford Development Commission awarded a £1.3m cross-border waterways restoration to Doran Consulting in Belfast. The project was launched by the President of Ireland, Mary McAleese, in Lifford and involved the restoration of 2.4 km (1.5 mi) of canal and two locks to working order.
Canal Lock Gates Ltd were comissioned to develop the lock gates at the canal, images of the finished gates can be seen below.
New Lockgates on the Strabane Canal built by Canal Lock