Canal Lock Gate Maunfacture in our workshop Painting canal lock gates Lock gates at strabane, Co Tyrone, built by canal lock gates ltd

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3. Manufacture of Canal Lock Gates in our workshop

A Lock gate is traditionally made from several components. A heel post is connected to a mitre post via top, bottom and intermediate rails, the rails are then covered with Oak sheeting. A balance beam is then added to finish the gate.

Following delivery of timber our skilled team of carpenters will get to work on the construction of your gates, starting with the heel posts, right through to the sluice gate.

Heel Posts

These will be rounded by hand to provide a perfect turning circle for opening and closing of the gates.

Our Carpenters rounding the heel posts

The handcrafted post footing

The handcrafted heel post footing

Mitre Posts

Each gate has a mitre post on its outer edge. When the gates are closed the mitre joints, as show below create a perfect seal.

45 degree angle on our mitre posts
45 degree angle on our mitre posts


Tennon joints are skillfully formed on the top, bottom and intermediate rails. These are carefully postioned into the mortice joint on the heel and mitre posts and glued into place.

Oak sheeting is then added to the railings to complete the gate.

45 degree angle on our mitre posts

Building the centerpiece

Center piece with Sluice gate

Canal Lock Gates